Classmates To Contact


The following is a listing of everyone that we didn't have info on as of the last reunion. If you are listed, and want to be on an email distribution list, please provide us your name and email address on the "Contact Us" form.  If your classmates are listed, we would appreciate if you could call/email them and let them know of the event and how to find us (www.deerfield1973.com  Again ask them to contact us via the "Contact Us" form and send us their email address and then if they could look at the list and provide us information on others...that would be very VERY helpful.  


CLASS OF 1973  Missing Classmates:

The missing classmates for the Class of 1973 as of Oct. 5, 2012 are:

Bill Adler
Lauren Aver
Gregg Ballard
William Bartlett
Candy Barr
Robert Bell
Betsy Bender
Nikki J. Beneke kobliska
Allan Benjamin
Lena Berglund
Carol Christine Brown
Jeffrey C. Brown
Maureen Brunker
Linda L. Bryan
Linda Carlson
Stephen Carlson
Tom Cilella
Keith Alan Clark
Kathy Dale
Craig Danner
Bill Darst
Andrew Ehlert
Steve Ellisworth
Steve Feller
Jeff Fisher
Steven Florence
Terri Gadomski
Mauro Gelli (AFS student) (found)
Cole Geyer
Marshall Goldman
Lee Ann Grant
Roger Green
Paul Handler
Greg Haworth
Missy Hayes Larson
Chris Herman
Sue Ann Hertz
Jack Higginbotham
Diane Hoffman
Leslie Holland
Steve Johnson
Steve Jones
Cory Kaufman
Susan Kelly fair
Mark Larson
Richard Leonard
Barb Lichtwalt dempster
Paul Lindquist
Cynthia Manfredini
Kathy McMurray
Arthur Miller
Jane Miller Staples
Robyn Mills
Cheryl Murphy
Mats Myrstener (AFS student) (Found)
Peter Nelson
Mary Netter
Jan Nichols
Jane Nolden
Debbie Olsen shay
Bonnie Paulsen cottelar
Carl Petersen
Sue Pusheck
Jack Richards
Scott Robbins
Joanne Roberts
Denise Rodman
Katie Ryan (Found)
James F. Schneider
Anne Scott
Mike Seaman Spencer
Sue Shannon
Sheryl Simon
Ned Smooth
Mark Stone (Found)
Ken Teich
Carol Tillman martin
Triana Vaughn
Greg Vella
Dave Von der Linden
Joanne Wacholder pfier
Mark J Wallner
Fred Webbie
Kevin Wessling
Ronald Wheeler
Bill White
Daralyn Whitton
Robin Whyte
Doug Wighman
William Williamson
Debbie Zendlovitz
Robin Zyss danyo
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