In Memory


"A once very dear friend died this past week, and although we’d parted ways years ago, her passing has really affected me. I’d known her 30 years and her presence in my life made an impact, so...what I’m trying to say here is although we no longer spoke, the people in my life, the ones in my heart will always remain there.  Death is a part of life, and life is short. Try to use your time well".                    

Debra Dhand Kleinman - June 30, 2010 (Facebook posting).


"The friends of my youth are the forests that shelter my heart,
that live forever in me…
The flash of death awakens love and gifts from childhood,
that live forever in me…
I exist with my childhood friends - for they have graced my life,
and live forever in me…
Mike Horstman, loved the unlovable (73 – DHS)
David Lindquist, lives in his family and friends forever (73 – DHS)
Mark Millberger, who was one of David’s friends and lives in his family and friends forever (73/74 - DHS)
Danny Cortopassi, whose gentleness and perseverance is a tide of strength (73 – DHS)"

Liz Lyons - Aug. 18, 2010

Sadly, here are the names of the DHS classmates from 1971 - 1974 that we have been told are no longer with us.  

Class of 1974 (Info courtesy of the Class of 1974)

Henry Avona
Sherry Borchert
Nancy Brown
Frank Carr
Paul Dougherty
Brent Drake
John Finley
Joan Freihaut
Christopher Gapinski
Alison Gertz
Bill Gignac
Alan Gitles
Nicki Joy Griffin
Michael Harrison
Theresa Hershman
Dave Jackman
Kim Koenig
Judy Lange
Tom Layton
Gary Liachowitz
Victoria MacKay
Mark Millberger
Bruce Milligan
Cheryl Moore
Steve Newmark
Steven Parker
Charles Peterson
James Phillips
David Reid
Jeff Riley
Laura Roberts
Becky Stavropoulos
John Sullivan
Katherine Thomas
John Tillotson
Debbie Ugollini
James Vander Meer
Kim Washburn
Frederick Wendt
Dave Whitley
John Wilson
Marijean Wolff
Paul Yost


Class of 1973: (as of Sept 2018)

Mark Belk
Don Biggam
Gayle Carlson
Andy Clifton
Rozzie Cohen
Dan Cortopassi
Cathy Craig
Pete DeBartolo
Jim Ford
Jack Garrett (2011)
Steve Getz
Linda Glickman
Mike Greenlee
Scott Hayden
Mike Horstman
Debra Keller
Anne Kernahan Eifrig (Cin. OH - July 3 2018)
Steve Kondracsek (2012)
Bob Lapointe
Mark Liddy
Dave Linquist
Karen Lins
Peter Lyall
Brad McCarthy (2013)
Scott McDermott
Pam Meadow
Marc Newberger
Robert Olsen
Lee Ornstein
Patti Panzke
Polly Robinson
Diane Rockelman
Joseph Rogers
Penny Roseman
Karen Sandonato
Richard Schwermin
Randy Smeltzer
Ralph Southerton
KyAnne Sponberg
Christopher Tuttie
Jill Van Newenhizen
Dan Wacholder
Tom Wahl
Dave Wahlstrom
Valerie Walker
Allen Weber
Carol Weichmann
Terri Yasdick 







Class of 1972  (Info courtesy of the Class of 1972 - as of 8-19-2010)   


Baer, Greg
Benson, Rick
Burgett, Douglas
Carr, George
Chisholm, Sandra
Dereby, Janice
Doyle, Mary
Firks, Dave
Florsheim, Lynn
Hallengren, Cathryn
Howe, John
Hunter, David
Jasperson, James
Klatt, Robert W (Skip)
McDermott, Scott
Nolan, Shay
Peterson, Randi
Phelan, Daniel
Pomeranz, Jeff
Reizner, Steve 
Russell, Dana
Sadowski, Joseph
Sengstack, Lynn
Sheridan, Barbara
Simmons, Debra (2017)
Skiffington, Laine
Tillotson, David
Jim Wallace
Waltman, Sally
Wang, Mary
Zimmers, Katie

We have also been told Scott King is no longer with us, but we have been unable to confirm it.  If you have any information on Scott, please let us know. 

Class of 1971


Karen Alger (Arthaud)  

Matthew Erickson  
Wendy Hafferkamp  
Mark Williams  

Penny Tayerle (Hansen)  

Wayne Gough  
Martin Harris
Lynn Shepard  
Richard Tracy  
Christine Wennstrom  

Edward Ettinger  
Charles Ricketts  

Robin Botker  

Lis Harris  

Robin Magee  

Jan Culp  
Jordan Stein  

Richard Schaller  

James Pizer  

Jeff Roseman  

John Quain

Steve Benjamin  

Harold Henkin  

Barbara Baston (Palmer)  

Jack Bartlett
Sue Braverman  
Phil R. Edgar  
Jeff Grossenheider  
Roberta Haines  
Steven Lakin  
John Treacy  
Kim Trettel  
Emily Vechionne  
Sherri Wadham  
Susan Zuckerman  






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